Having a car is like having a child.
There's the magic moment of birth, when it roars to life,with raw potential ready to be molded.
There's the staggering baby steps, the first few drives when you're taking the first few drives and have you jostle each other for control.
There's the comfortable period of childhood when you go on safe, known routes, adhering to speed limits like they read bible quotations and not numbers put there by other people for average drivers.
And then you hit adolescence. You wonder, just what this kid can do...And you have total control on how it reacts to external stimuli and whether it will get them at all. For instance, you control weather you will try to go 100 mph or not and on what road conditions, if at all.
And if you hadn't worried until then, you certainly will now. Because you hold at least one life on your hands.Only your grip on them is slipping. I mean, cars need the smooth handling rebellious teenagers do to smoothly transcend puberty and take you from happy-go-lucky,gun-ho neophyte to complete driver.
You should keep in mind that driving(and life, it seems) is transportation, not competition.
But the joy, oh pure ,sheer joy of life/driving is breathtaking.Any kind of controlled movement potentially leads to such harmonic swings,swirls and curves that transportation isn't felt and there is only motion, that almighty power of seeing your thoughts materialize.
That's driving.
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