Τετάρτη 29 Ιουλίου 2009

The Welcome

There's a man with a Fedora, a trenchcoat and a sax by the streetlight.

His eyes are closed but his melody suggests he's seen his share.

His share of life, that is.

The moody blues with the almost musing somehow highlighted "solos" meshes just fine with the sunset.

The setting sun casts a shadow on half of him, the embodiment of all the controversies of his musc and appearence, maybe even his thoughts...

Suddenly, he stops, lets out a whistle and brushes the sweat from his eyebrows.
He notices you.

He smiles, The name's Ivor,kid,welcome to this part of the desert.He goes on to tell you that in this little part of hell, staring that long at a man can bring you trouble faster than the crow flies, you're lucky he was off at his world.
You apologize, and offer your name and some money in return.
He brushes your hand aside, tells you money ain't an issue, if it were, he'd have robbed you blind by now, he'll take the name though, information is power in these lands.Much like everywhere else he adds, almost to himself.
You're tired, and he seems trustworthy as long as he doesn't have more to gain by not being.
So you ask him for a place to stay, your trip was exhausting.
He tells you the Stinky Rat's the place for you,maybe because there's no other inn in town!
You thank him and head along his index finger when he says, like an afterthought while the sax is almost at his lips: take care kid, you're gonna need it.

At last, your journey had ended.

Maybe only started, who knows?

Κυριακή 26 Ιουλίου 2009


Deep down dirty music.
Low lights.
Bad to the bone ladies.
Loaded Dice.
The stench of Alchohol.
Sweaty bodies.
A low volume, high voltage ecstasy.
Looks that say too much.
Words that mean too little.
The whole bar is in tatters.
Broken glass populates the floor.
Three men on a dark corner table.

The Scumbags.
They don't care.


Τρίτη 14 Ιουλίου 2009



Η ζέστη κυβερνάει την Πάτρα και προστάζει λιώσιμο.
Εγώ εν γένει του αντιστέκομαι αλλά λίγο λίγο κερδίζει έδαφος.
Κοιμάμαι αργά και χάνω τη μισή μέρα.
Έχω δουλείες και δεν τις κάνω.
Και δεν είναι από τη ζέστη...
Είναι πολλά μικρά πράγματα που stackάρουνε.
Ξέρεις, μικρολεπτομέρειες που μαζεύονται.

Δεν ξέρω τι μου γίνεται.
Άγνοια τριγύρω.
Γίνομαι κυκλοθυμικός, όχι τόσο από άποψη όρεξης, συναισθηματικής κατάστασης όσο υπομονής.
Random σκέψεις.

Πήρα 4 βιβλία, τα άρχισα αλλά όταν έχω μόνο 2 ώρες τη μέρα, σκατούλες.
Σκατούλες γενικώς.
Βαρέθηκα, έχει δίκιο ο Κώστας, πολύ τριβή ρε παιδί μου.

Βαρέθηκα την πόλη.
Θέλω να πάω Ευρώπη διακοπές, αλλά δεν βρίσκω κόσμο και μου λένε το είπα στην/ον Χ και ψήνεται αλλά τώρα έχουμε κανονίσει.
Σιχαίνομαι αυτή την Ασυνενοησία και έλλειψη προγραμματισμού.

Μια ζωή ο άνθρωπος κυνηγά τον έλεγχο και εμείς αρνούμαστε να κατακτήσουμε τα βασικά στοιχεία του.

Φταίω και δε μ αρέσει.
